Brand history


Foundation of the dalli-Werke & beginning of soap production


Beginning of powder production


dalli becomes a brand

The brand Dalli got its name by chance:

“Dalli! Dalli!“, a luggage carrier of a Polish train station shoutet at his colleage, who suddenly started working faster.
Franz Wirtz, owner of Mäurer + Wirtz, was watching this scene. He registered the word, which means “fast” in Polish, as a trademark with the Imperial Patent Office in 1899.

On the left you can see the certificate of registration of the trademark dalli dated april 21, 1899.


The dalli brand product line expanded in 1929 already comprises a powdered dishwasher detergent and a scouring powder in addition to dish soap, soap flakes and bleach.


A dalli delivery truck advertising the “Dalli Laundry Bath” in the year 1954.


dalli Special for the modern washing machine, which was launched in 1961, could be used in any kind of washing machine.


Sustainability was already a major topic back then, as you can see with our products: dalli Bio Active Heavy Duty Detergent.


The dalli Heavy Duty Detergent of the 80s & the dalli range of products of the 80s.


In 1989, the new dalli Laundry Detergent for Delicates managed to get by with only 1/3 of the previous washing powder and without the shape and color of the textiles suffering.


The product innovation: Wool Detergent Powder for Wool & Delicates (here a picture at the end of the 90s).


dalli Black Wash, the product innovation in 2001. The troubleshooter – especially for the protection of dark colors & for the optimal color & fibre protection.


dalli MED – the innovation on the detergent shelf at that time. Dalli Research, together with the German Allergy and Asthma Association and leading dermatologists, succeeded in developing a special detergent for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin.


In 2017, our brand new dalli Active Heavy Duty Detergent and Color Detergent Capsules for a modern lifestyle and changing needs were launched. Important in this was and is the easy and quick handling.


dalli shoulders responsibility and is committed to a sustainable future.
In 2022, we removed microplastics from the recipes of the laundry detergent range and revised the designs of dalli products. The products are now marked by the logo on the right.

Click on the logo to get further information.

Frei von Mikroplastik

Die neuen dalli Waschmittelrezepturen sind frei von Mikroplastik

dalli übernimmt Verantwortung und setzt sich für eine nachhaltige Zukunft ein.
Daher sind die Rezepturen, der mit unserem Siegel gekennzeichneten Artikel, frei von Mikroplastik, laut der Definition des Umweltprogramms der Vereinten Nationen (UNEP).

Weltweit gibt es bisher noch keine einheitliche Definition des Begriffes Mikroplastik. Dennoch setzt sich die Definition des UNEP zunehmend durch, insbesondere da sie eine geeignete Basis für sachlich-wissenschaftliche Betrachtungen zu dem Thema bietet.

Laut UNEP besteht Mikroplastik aus „festen, wasserunlöslichen Kunststoffpartikeln, die fünf Millimeter und kleiner sind“. Dieser Definition des Begriffes Mikroplastik schließen sich beispielsweise auch das Umweltbundesamt (UBA) oder der World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) Deutschland an und auch wir legen diese Definition zur Beurteilung unserer Produkte beziehungsweise bei der Auswahl geeigneter Inhaltsstoffe zu Grunde.

Zudem ist es wichtig darauf hinzuweisen, dass wasserlösliche bzw. gelartige Polymere aus dieser Definition ausgeschlossen sind, da sie nach aktuellem Wissenstand überhaupt nicht die Gefahr darstellen wie Mikroplastik-Partikel.

free from microplastics

The new dalli laundry detergent formulations are free from microplastics

Dalli takes on responsibility and is committed to a sustainable future.
Therefore, in accordance with the definition of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), our formulations with our label are free from microplastics.

Worldwide, there is still no uniform definition of the term microplastic. Nevertheless, the UNEP definition is increasingly gaining acceptance, especially as it provides a suitable basis for factual-scientific considerations on the topic.

As per UNEP, microplastics consist of “solid, water-insoluble plastic particles that are five millimetres and smaller”. This definition of microplastics is also shared by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) Germany, for example, and we also use this definition as a basis for assessing our products and selecting suitable ingredients.

It is also important to point out that water-soluble or gel-like polymers are excluded from this definition because, according to current knowledge, they do not pose the danger as microplastic particles.